· Shooting times are from 7:00AM to 10:00PM
· Members and guests MUST sign in with a PBRSC range safety officer (RSO) at the rifle range regardless of the range being used. If there is no RSO on duty, sign in on the clipboard hanging on the RSO shack.
· Members must wear their club badge at all times while shooting on the range.
· Match directors, committee chairs or their representatives hosting events will be responsible for notifying the PBRSO of range opening and closing. They will also be responsible for signing in members and guests
· It is the obligation of all members to bring any unsafe condition or action to the attention of the
on-duty RSO, or in the absence of an RSO, to the member causing the unsafe action.
· RSOs represent the membership and are there to insure the safe operation of the ranges
· All ranges are closed during all meetings of the general membership.
· Eye and ear protection are required for all ranges during live fire.
· No fully automatic firearms are allowed
· Ensure all shooters are aware of cease fires and that all firearms are safe before going down range
· No handling or cleaning of firearms on the line while persons are downrange
· Case and uncase firearms on the firing line with the firearm pointed towards the impact area for the range you are using
· Uncased firearms must be transported unloaded, action open and muzzle up
· All firearms will be unloaded unless they are on the firing line. Exception: a concealed pistol shall remain concealed. If a member/guest wants to shoot their concealed carry pistol, it will be unholstered, benched and unloaded at the firing line.
· No drawing and firing allowed with the exception of organized matches.
· Shooters will clean up their shooting and target areas of trash and all casings when they are finished shooting
· Insure no persons are downrange or in the impact area before firing
· No shooting except from the designated firing lines
· No alcoholic beverages or drugs before or while shooting
· No climbing on berms or retaining walls
· No bottles, cans, and other targets that may cause ricochets or leave debris on the range
· No smoking while handling black powder or black powder substitutes
· First aid kits are available on all ranges.
· Range incident reports are available from the range safety officers
· Exposed firearms will be unloaded, have their actions open and magazines removed except when on the firing line and the range is hot.
· Members are responsible for moving their target frames to the sides of the range when they are finished shooting
· Targets with human facial features are considered to be in poor taste and are not allowed
NEVER handle a loaded firearm in the clubhouse
NEVER handle a firearm while people are downrange
NEVER load a firearm except on the firing lines
NEVER assume a firearm is unloaded-check it to be sure and leave the action open while on the firing line
NEVER put your finger on the trigger or take the firearm off safe unless you are ready to shoot and the firearm is pointing toward the targets and impact areas
NEVER load a firearm except on the firing lines.
· The red lights are used to indicate persons are down range only- they are NOT used to call a cease fire—red light switches are located near all firing points
· Before going down range, ensure all shooters are aware of the cease fire, have unloaded their firearms, and have stepped behind the yellow safety line.
· All shooters that go downrange will turn on a red-light switch--the lights go out only when all switches are turned off
· No firearms will be handled while persons are downrange, or the red lights are turned on
· The area between the yellow and red lines is off limits while range is under cold range conditions. Do not place, remove, clean or handle anything on the firing line benches while the red lights are flashing. Exception: passing through to do downrange activities.
· The use of empty chamber indicators (ECIs) is strongly encouraged
· No firearms will be handled while persons are downrange, or the red lights are turned on
· Targets will be hung so ALL rounds that miss or pass through the target will impact a berm
· Unspent ammo and cases MUST be placed in the appropriate containers on the line unless retained by the member
· During scheduled Hunter Sight-in, members will give preference to non-club members
· All range lights will be turned off when nobody is on the range or in the impact area
· Paper targets are not to be posted closer than 25 yards, metal targets no closer than 40 yards
· No shooting beyond the 200-yard line except when approved in advance and in accordance with club rules.
· Wood stoves may be used for the comfort of the shooter - ensure the fires are such that they will safely extinguish themselves shortly after shooters leave the range.
NO magazines loaded with more than 10 rounds
NO drawing pistols from holsters
NO rapid firing- more than one round per second
NO birdshot
NO .50 BMG
NO fully automatic firearms
NO armor piecing, incendiary or tracer ammunition
NO aerial shooting
· No firearms will be handled while persons are downrange, or the red lights are turned on
· Before going down range, ensure all shooters are aware of the cease fire, have unloaded their firearms, and have stepped behind the yellow safety line.
· The area in front (North) of the yellow line is off limits while range is under cold range conditions. Do not place, remove, clean or handle anything on the firing line benches while the red lights are flashing.
· The use of empty chamber indicators (ECIs) is strongly encouraged
· Targets will be hung so ALL rounds that miss or pass through the target will impact a berm
· Targets are posted in designated target frames or target holder
· Targets are not to be hung from baffles or posts or closer than 7 yards
· Unspent ammo and cases MUST be placed in the appropriate containers on the line
· Pistol with standard pistol calibers only—pistol with traditional rifle cartridges MUST use the rifle range
· All range lights will be turned off when no one is on the range or in the impact area
· Shooting position gates are not to be used for range access
· 22 Long Rifle rim fire and air guns are the only rifles that may be used on the pistol range
· All firearms are to be cased and uncased on the firing line with the action open and the barrel pointed down range
· The red lights are used to indicate persons are down range only- they are NOT used to call a cease fire—red light switches are located near the entrance door and walkway to targets
NO magazines loaded with more than 10 rounds
NO drawing pistols from holsters
NO rapid firing—more than one round per second
NO metal targets allowed
NO fully automatic firearms
NO birdshot or aerial targets
NO armor piercing, incendiary or tracer ammunition
· All firearms not on the firing line will be racked at the rear of the firing line, unloaded, with their actions open and muzzles pointed up
· Before going down range, ensure all shooters are aware of the cease fire, have unloaded their firearms, and have stepped back from the firing line
· Shooters will clean up the firing line when they are finished shooting
· Ensure trap operators are behind shooters
· Do not shoot at targets on or behind the trap house
· The patterning board is for bird shot loads only at distances no closer than 15 yards
· Leave the manual thrower in the un-cocked position when finished shooting for the day
NO buckshot or slug cartridges-the rifle range may be used for this type of shooting. This includes the use of the patterning board.
NO rifles or pistols allowed with the exception of pistols designated to fire bird shot loads with the patterning board.
By-Laws (Will be reviewed no later than every 2 years)
Date: October 25, 2024
ARTICLE I, Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended at any regular or Special Meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of the members of the board present.
ARTICLE II, Standing Committees, Shooting Disciplines, and Matches
(A) Standing Committees are run by the Committee Chair.
1. Audit
2. Disciplinary
3. Hunter Education
4. Hunter Sight In
5. Orientation
6. Range Safety
7. Training
B) Shooting Disciplines and Matches are run by the Discipline Chair or the Match Director. Both terms will be used.
1. Air Gun
2. ASI
3. Black Powder Cartridge
4. Cast Bullet
5. CMP
6. High-Power Rifle
8. Jr. Program
9. Ladies League
10. Muzzle Loading
11. Pistol
12. Shotgun
13. Silhouette
14. Small Bore Rifle
15. Steels
17. Black Powder Pistol Trail
ARTICLE III, Membership
(A) Annual dues are $120, which runs 1 September through 31 August.
(B) The process for persons to join the club will be:
1. Submit an application to join, with a $50 non-refundable deposit. The deposit will be credited toward the initiation fee if the candidate attends orientation. The deposit is forfeited if the candidate fails to attend orientation or notify the club that he/she will not be able to attend.
2. Attend a New Member Orientation Briefing.
3. Be a member of the National Rifle Association.
4. Pay a $150 Initiation Fee.
5. Pay for the remainder of the current year, payment will be pro-rated.
6. Be voted into the club by the General Membership.
(C) Membership records will be maintained for a period of five (5) years. Any member who is re-joining the club with a gap in membership great than five years must attend an orientation meeting, however, the initiation fees are waived. When club records are not available, outdated membership cards or other previous membership records may be used to verify proof of past membership.
(D) Membership Badges will be carried while on club property and shown to other members or range safety officers when asked.
(E) A gate code will be issued with the membership badge. This code will be used by the member only.
ARTICLE IV, General Rules of Conduct
(A) All members and guests, whether shooting or not, will adhere to the following Range Safety Rules and must follow the direction of the Paul Bunyan Range Safety Officer (PBRSO) while on Paul Bunyan property. Members are responsible for actions and safety of their guests.
(B) Members are limited to two guests per visit. Members can request additional guests for special occasions from the Board or the Chief Range Officer.
(C) Enforcement of Range Rules by a PBRSO is binding; failure to adhere to the Range Safety Rules may lead to disciplinary sanctions.
(D) Safety and responsible handing of firearms is the responsibility of all club members.
(E) Match Directors and Committee Chairpersons are responsible for safe operations of their matches and events.
(E) Club members that observe an unsafe action will bring it to the attention of the On- Duty PBRSO, Match Director, Committee Chairperson, or the individual committing the unsafe act.
(F) Possession of a license to carry a concealed pistol does not alter any of the range rules. Holstered pistols are to remain holstered. If a member wants to shoot their concealed carry pistol, it will be unholstered, benched and unloaded at the firing line. No drawing and firing allowed.
(G) Safety Rules are available to the membership at all General Meeting and posted at all ranges.
(H) Safety Rules, along with a copy of the Constitution, will be given all applicants during the New Member Orientation session.
ARTICLE V, Use of Club Resources
(A) The resources of the club are the property of the membership and are to be secured, accounted for, and maintained to ensure expenditures and funds allocated for the equipment is preserved.
(B) Members will have access to the club grounds and ranges during operating hours and when the ranges are not otherwise scheduled for matches or events. The Action Bays and the Air Gun Range are special use ranges and are off limits unless given special permission by the Board of Directors.
(C) Committee Chairs will have access to the clubhouse and their equipment storage areas. Committee Chairs shall be allowed to determine the number of key sets needed for their operation of their committee. For example, the Range Safety Officer Committee Chair might decide that the Range Officers should have keys to the target shed, construction CONEX, and Range Officer Cabinet but do not need access to the clubhouse.
(D) Only people designated by the board will have access to gun safes, membership information and administrative files.
ARTICLE VI, Communications to Club Members
(A) Notices for special meetings, pending amendments to the Constitution, special presenters or major topics for discussion at upcoming General Membership Meetings and an annual notice of the December General Membership Meeting where the next years Officers and Board of Directors are voting into office must be published for all club members.
(B) The Board of Directors shall approve processes that allow club members access to information concerning the operation of the organization. This includes, but is not limited to:
1. A monthly publication tailored to the membership called the “Bull Sheet” which will update the membership with information about the club activities, provide notices of special meetings, upcoming month’s calendar, and contact information for the club’s officers, directors, and standing committee chairs. The use of email distribution of the Bull Sheet is encouraged.
2. A web site, www.pbrsc.org, that will list information tailored to the general public about the club. Content will also include the current Bull Sheet and Calendar. The most current calendar will be maintained on the website.
3. The use of volunteer or contracted editor, printing, distribution, and web design services will be managed by the Board of Directors.
(C ) Standing Committee Chairs and Discipline/Match Directors should submit to the Bull Sheet Editor.
1. The results of matches and special events for publication.
2. An annual description of their discipline, firearms used, and the general design of their courses of fire.
3. Articles for next month’s Bull Sheet will be given to the Editor no later than the General Membership Meeting.
ARTICLE VII, Range Safety Officers (authority, duties)
(A) Paul Bunyan Range Safety Officers (PBRSO) represent the Board of Directors and the general membership; they insure the safe operation of the ranges in accordance with the clubs Safety Rules and By Laws. The PBRSO (paid or volunteer) has the authority to remove a person failing to adhere to the Range Safety Rules or handle firearms in an unsafe manner.
(B) The Chief Range Safety Officer will:
1. Insure there is a schedule for paid and volunteer Paul Bunyan Range Safety Officers. (PBRSO’s)
2. Insure paid PBRSO’s are present during open range times on designated high range usage days. Conduct PBRSO meetings on the last Wednesday of every month.
(C) The delegation of authority for Range Safety Office Program is the Chief Range Safety Officer, Assistant Chief Range Safety Officer, Range Safety Officer, and all club members.
ARTICLE VIII, Annual Committee Budget & Calendar Requests
(A) Forecasts for next year budgets and calendars are to be submitted to the Vice President for collection and collation by November 1st for the upcoming year.
(B) Standing Committees as defined are regularly scheduled events that are approved by the Board of Directors, require a budget, and provide regular updates to the General Membership and Board of Directors during the Monthly Meetings.
ARTICLE IX, Jr Program (By-Laws)
(A) Will establish separate By-Laws, Officers, and budget from the General Membership.
(B) Maintain affiliation with the NRA.
(C) Maintain inventory of firearms, ammunition, and shooting equipment that will be made available for Jr. Club events.
ARTICLE X, Range Operations and Safety
(A) General Range Rules
1. Shooting times are from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.
2. Members and guests MUST sign in with Paul Bunyan Range Safety Officers at the Rifle Range regardless of the range being used, unless participating in a match.
3. Match Directors, Committee Chairs or their representatives hosting events will be responsible for notifying the PBRSO of range opening and closing and they will be responsible for signing in members and guests.
4. It is the obligation of all members to bring any unsafe condition or action to the attention of the on-duty Range Officer or in the absence of a Range Officer to the member causing the unsafe action.
5. Range Officers represent the membership and are there to insure safe operation of the range.
6. All ranges are closed during all meetings of the General Membership.
7. Eye and ear protection is required for all ranges during live fire.
8. No fully automatic firearms allowed.
9. Ensure all shooters are aware of cease fires, the range is declared “COLD” and all firearms are safe before going down range.
10. No handling or cleaning of firearms on the line while persons are downrange.
11. Case and uncase on the firing line with the firearm pointed towards the impact area for the range you are using.
12. All firearms will be unloaded unless they are on the firing line.
13. Insure no persons are downrange or in the impact area before firing.
14. No shooting except from designated firing lines.
15. No alcoholic beverages or recreational drugs before or while shooting.
16. No climbing on berms or retaining walls.
17. Bottles, cans, and other targets that may cause ricochets or leave debris on the range are not allowed.
18. No smoking while handling black powder or black powder substitutes.
19. First aid kits and Range Incident Reports are available from Range Officers.
20. Exposed firearms will have their actions open and magazines removed expect when on the firing line.
21. Members are responsible for moving target frames to the sides of all the ranges when they are finished shooting. Shooters will clean up their shooting and target areas of trash and all casings.
22. Targets with human facial features are considered to be in poor taste and are not allowed.
1. NEVER handle a loaded or concealed firearm in the clubhouse.
2. NEVER handle a firearm while people are downrange.
3. NEVER load a firearm except on the firing lines.
4. NEVER assume a firearm is unloaded – check it to be sure and leave the action open while on the firing line.
5. NEVER put your finger on the trigger or take the firearm off safe unless you are ready to shoot and the firearm is pointing towards the targets and impact areas.
(B) Rifle Range Rules
(C) Pistol Range Rules
(D) Shotgun Range Rules
(E) Action Pistol Bays Range Rules (USPSA – IDPA – Steels-ASI)
1. Action Pistol Bays ranges are NOT open to the general membership.
2. Match Directors, Committee Chairs or their representatives hosting events will be responsible for range opening and closing.
3. Members and guests MUST sign in at the RSO Shack or with the Match Director
4. The impact area to the 600-yard line and the parking area will be checked and the gate will be closed during live fire.
5. Action Bays are “Cold Ranges” and all firearms not on the firing line will be unloaded, cased, or holstered.
6. Eye and ear protection is required during live fire.
7. Shooters will clean up their target, firing line areas, and put props away.
8. Targets will be hung so ALL rounds that miss or pass through the target will impact a berm.
9. Targets are posted in designated target frames or target holders. Targets are not to be hung from range props.
10. First aid kits and Range Incident Reports are available from Range officers.
1. NO shooting allowed unless under the direct observation of a Designated Action Pistol Bays Officer.
2. NO practicing from a holster or running allowed during single Designated Action Pistol Bays Range Officer practice
3. NO metal targets closer than 21 feet
4. NO aerial targets
(F) Long Range Shooting
1. When the 300 yard or 600-yard berms will be used for shooting, all other range facilities will be closed, unless special permission is obtained from the Match Director in advance.
2. Long range shooting will be indicated by closing the secondary gate between the main gate and the main parking area.
(G) Air Gun Range
1. The air gun range is NOT open to the general membership, except for scheduled activities shown on the club calendar.
2. Members and guests MUST sign in with Range Officer at the RSO Shack.
3. All air guns are to be cased and uncased on the firing line with the barrels pointed down range
4. All air guns must shoot the equivalent of a 177 pellet at less than 600 fps.
5. Targets are to be posted in designated target holders only.
6. No BBs allowed on metal targets
7. All shooters must be behind the red firing line unless the range is under cold conditions.
8. No handling of air guns while persons are downrange.
9. No shooting except from designated firing lines.
10. Range must be swept of spent pellets/BBs and target debris when shooting is finished
11. Use of empty chamber indicators is required
(H) Non-Shooters, Archery, Pets
1. All members visiting the range for individual, non-shooting activities will sign in at the RSO shack. This would include activities such as dog walking, hiking/exercise, archery & tomahawk trails, berry picking, or firewood sales. This does not include organized events such as work parties, picnics/pot lucks, match set up, spectating at a match.
2. Non-shooters will not interfere with range or match activities
3. Non-shooters will familiarize themselves with and remain aware of what events are occurring on the property.
4. Pet owners will clean and dispose of pet waste from common areas and improved trails. Pet owners are responsible for the safety and control of their pets.
ARTICLE XI. Use of Ranges for Commercial Training
(A) All training classes being offered as a fee for service will be under the control of the Training Committee Chair.
(B) Fees for all classes will be collected by the instructor and turned into the PBRSC treasurer. There will be no separate classroom and range fee. If the range will be used as part of the class, then any fee charged in association with the class will be turned in to the PBRSC Treasurer.
(C) Members may hire and use coaches / instructors and use the facilities for their personal training. Match Directors may hire instructors for their disciplines and use the facilities.
ARTICLE XII. Rental of Club Facilities
(A) The PBRSC facilities will not be rented out to members, non-members, organizations, churches, clubs, etc. It is a membership only range.
(B) Matches and training will be sponsored by one of the standing committees or shooting disciplines and will be considered a PBRSC event. All match fees and training fees will be submitted to the PBRSC treasurer.
(C) Vendors who are incidental to and supporting matches or events (i.e. food vendors, merchandise vendors) will operate independent of the match fees and will not submit income thru the PBRSC.
Article XIII, Contracts and Forms
(A) Paid Range Officer Contracts will be maintained by the Chief Range Officer
(B) Caretakers Contract will be maintained by the Vice President
(C) Forms will be kept in a binder in the office. Forms will include but not be limited to:
1. General and Board of Director Meeting Order of Business Checklist
2. Incident Report
3. Accident Report
4. Range Officer Timesheet
5. Income Form
6. Expense Form
7. Equipment Out
8. Key Log