Paul Bunyan Rifle & Sportsman’s Club is a private club with Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun and Action Pistol ranges.
Membership is by application only. Those interested in joining must attend an orientation meeting the second Sunday of each month at 4:00 PM at the clubhouse. Reservations are required (see below). Applications are submitted at this time. Dues are $120 per year running from September 1st through August 31st. New member dues are prorated at $10 per month for the remainder of the year. There is a one time $150 initiation fee. New members are required to be NRA members (bring proof). You may join at the orientation meeting—NRA dues are $45 for one year. Applicants must also pass a Washington State Patrol background check ($12) unless they have a current Concealed Pistol License or Washington Arms Collectors membership. Prospective members must be voted into the club at the next general meeting. Once accepted, new members will receive their badges and have access to the facilities.
All persons wanting to join Paul Bunyan must attend an orientation meeting. The next available meeting will be Sunday February 9th. In order to get on the waiting list, we require a non-refundable $50 deposit. No walk-ins are allowed. Those who attend the meeting will have their deposit applied toward their initiation fee. Those who send in a deposit and do not show up to the meeting without cancelling their appointment 2 weeks prior to their scheduled meeting will forfeit their deposit. If earlier openings become available, we will fill the open slots with those who have sent in their deposit for later months on a first come first served basis.
To be placed on the list, send a deposit check for $50 to:
Paul Bunyan RSC
Attn: orientation chairman
17902 Meridian E
Puyallup, WA 98375
Include your name, email address and phone number. When we receive your check, we will send you an email confirmation. If you have questions, contact us at
how to join flier (pdf)
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